How to succeed with ClimateTech?

What investors should learn from the previous bubbles.

Mateusz Treder
5 min readJan 9, 2023


Climate investments went through a series of bubbles in the past decades. Carbon capture, biofuels, nuclear fusion. Each new technology brought tons of capital, heaps of cash and .. eventually disappointment. Today, however, we have a unique (and last) change to do it well.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A sustainable world — powered by renewable energy.

Investors are demanding it. Policymakers are legislating for it. Oil and gas majors are changing their business models to prepare for it.

The transition to renewable energy is happening and it will continue to drive tremendous growth in wind, solar, energy storage, heating, agriculture, mobility, and a number of other technologies we use every day.

Climate technology is once again the hottest sector for venture capitalists — the media buzz and entrepreneurial activity have soared at an astounding rate.

And it all makes sense.

There is no doubt about the scale of humanity’s impact on the world’s climate. Leaders across the world, under the 2015 Paris Agreement, agreed to reduce their carbon emissions to keep global warming to “well below 2°C” and try to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C with respect to preindustrial…



Mateusz Treder

Director at Cognite | Future Energy Leader at World Energy Council | Author of the book “Standing on the shoulders of giants”